Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Butts and Naked Girls

What girl doesn't look at these pictures and wish it were them instead of Kim K and Miley Cyrus? I most certainly know that I looked at this photo of Kim K and said to my best friend Hannah “why can’t I have a butt like that!?” Low and behold that question struck a 30 minute conversation of us talking about celebrities who have big butts and those who have no butts, such as Miley Cyrus. I took note that this article couldn't have been more correct in saying “Popular culture supplies beauty — beautiful faces, beautiful places, beautiful bodies. This was the year that beauty turned to angst.” Somehow during this discussion we switched to social media sites, including but not limited to Instagram and Facebook. We noticed how now girls and even guys post pictures of  themselves half naked, if not completely naked; for likes, attention and comments. On Instagram, I sometimes find myself wondering why when females post photos of themselves half naked do boys comment things such as “you’re gorgeous.” Makes me wonder why beauty now lie in the hands of those that have big butts? The answer is simply because that’s how society portrays women, that’s what music publicizes that a man is looking for. It kind of saddens me that females, occasionally myself, want to look like the next Kim K when it comes to body type. When a girl has no butt such as Miley Cyrus, people begin to criticize her or maybe she doesn't receive the same attention as those who have the body style of Kim K. Society has began to affect everyday people that now males think it is absolutely acceptable to photographs without shirts on and sometimes without any clothes on at all. I sit and wonder from time to time why does he feel compelled to do this, is it too because of the comments he receives from females. Comments that are filled with emojis of hearts and kissy faces? But one question still remains...since when has beauty become only skin deep and what’s on the outside?

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