I think my speech went well as far as preparation and information. I was relaxed a tad nervous at first but as the speech went on I was able to be fluid and be more comfortable in my presentation. I believe, in concurrence with Mr. Horton, that one my downfalls was not utilizing the entire front of the classroom. I must justify this in saying that, by not walking across the front of the classroom I was preventing myself from pacing. When giving speeches, if I become too relaxed I begin to pace and the speech begins to sound as if I am only thinking aloud. Because of this I like to stand in one place. Additionally while watching the video I noticed that the shifting of my weight from one foot to the other seems more as if I have redirected my nervousness to doing such and is a bit distracting. Yet, I have incurred multiple injuries throughout high school which does not allow me equally distribute my weight without massive pain. I hadn’t realized that I was speaking above normal speed nor did I recognize it while listening to my speech, but it is definitely something for me to consider when giving and practicing for my next speech. Aside from the above listed problems I believe that my presentation was much better than expected, I was more confident than I expected as well as more prepared than I felt I was going into the speech.